Bikini Swimwear for men and the best options for a first time wearer. If you are transitioning from wearing board shorts, surf shorts or regular swim trunks there are a few things to know when selecting bikini swimwear for men and a few grooming tricks you should know too. The first thing about finding the right bikini for your body is deciding how small you are willing to go. Many of us we wear a swimsuit that is a small as is legal where others are just too shy to start there. So your first task on the road to bikini swimwear for men is to decide what your comfort level is. You want to be able to eliminate swimsuits you might like the look of but would be unwilling to wear it to the beach or on vacation as a first time bikini. Let’s start with the rear. Do you need your ass completely covered if so you will need a full back bikini but if not you can go all the way down to a micro bikini that might only cover about twenty percent of your butt. Any smaller than that is considered a thong. A Brazilian bikini like the kind you are going to see all summer long at the games in Rio cover from seventy percent down to as little as fifty percent of the rear. As long as you are willing to get a tan at a tanning salon or in your backyard so you don’t blind folks on the beach with your lily white ass a Brazilian bikini is one of my favorite choices.


To be continued

Men's bikini swimwear

Bikinis for men
Bikini swimwear for men

Where to Find Bikini Swimwear for Men

Granted, it is true that you can typically find bikinis swimwear for men just about anywhere that carries menswear. The problem with buying these items that way is that everything seems to look the same. There are many guys who appreciate truly unique styles and designs. This means that they do not want to see themselves at every swimming venue they visit. They want to look sexy and different so that the attention they get will be positive. Let’s face it; you can hardly stand out in a crowd that is identical to you. That is a huge reason for searching someplace new for unique looks in your swimwear. Believe it or not, that “someplace” might just be the internet. Once you type in your search engine that you are looking for websites that sell whatever you are trying to find, just sit back and wait for the thousands or even hundreds of thousands of websites to pop up for you. Then you can begin to comb your way through them until you find what you are seeking.


Bikini Swimwear for Men

Lots of guys have changed from using regular swimsuits to bikini swimwear for men. It seems that they finally understand that, under the right circumstances, a bikini might just be a bit of fun. Obviously, you will need to make sure that your body is ready for this type of swimsuit. The thing is whether or not you have the determination and put forth the effort needed to get yourself in prime bikini shape. If you are already treating your body as your temple, chances are that you do not have to worry about it because you are already doing what is needed to stay in shape. On the other hand, if you have a few areas, or more than a few; it will be of great importance that you take the steps to look your sexiest when you put on the hot bikini. Just keep that in mind when you are tempted to skip your workout or eat an extra helping of your favorite sugary treat. Once you have begun, with patience, you will be in that bikini in no time.